In order to reach a demanding audience that is growing by the day, choosing the right words to be submitted in a social media communication campaign is key to connecting with that audience. You need creative copywriting or what the equivalent of creative copywriting is for social networks. But what is a creative copywriter? It is a copywriter who provides an original and creative idea that solves the needs, concerns, problems or desires of a potential client.

When a creative copywriter uses the correct tone, accompanied by good visual creativity, success is guaranteed!

First things first, today we are going to talk about the words we incorporate when writing creative content for social networks. Our translation agency now specializes in copywriting services and is currently developing  a new stream in the blog for you to learn and become acquainted with different copywriting techniques.

More and more brands are directing all their efforts – in terms of marketing and advertising – in making noise on social media. And it’s not just for the heck of it! Social networks have steadily proven to be the best way to generate more demand for products and/or services.

They are a way for us to stand out from the competition and make us more visual and, therefore, increase sales revenue. Through good copywriting – done by the best copywriters we’ve got- it can turn a marketing strategy into success.

We remind you that copywriting is based on the writing of an idea that is aimed at a specific target audience in order to sell or provide services in an attractive and non-aggressive manner. In the current digital era that we find ourselves in today, we must be present and provide direct communication of what we do while also taking into account our business model in one way or another.

The most important thing is to captivate our audience in a way that makes them feel identified with our brand. Whether it be through our values, our products or our way of seeing life, we must give voice to our brand.

How to come up with good creative copywriting for social networks?

copywriting social mediaA professional copywriter – the professional that is writing creative content – is responsible for this mission. Their job is to create attractive texts that generate some kind of reaction in the target audience, be it sadness, joy, laughter, uncertainty, etc.

The important thing to remember is that the audience to which this message is intended for performs an action that, previously, has been determined as the final objective.

Framed within a digital marketing action, copywriting can be done for many areas of work, but specifically today we will focus on social networks, where persuasion happens in just one click.

Don’t just think that in the case of social networks we must create a single strategy or copy, it’s much more than that. Within this digital world we have to know how to differentiate each social platform, because not all of them have the same content nor the same demographic that uses them.

To transmit communication perfectly, the copywriter must know how to adapt to the creative words in each social network and know what is said and how it is said. The style and layout of each social network (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) is different and some products and services work better than others.

Examples of creative copywriting for social networks

For example, if we are selling food products, clothing or accessories, the social networks that will do the best with our product would be: Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. What we say in the caption will not be nearly as important as the image we are providing or publishing to this network. The image must be eye-catching, and the first words of our little introduction must engage our audience. Do you want to be the one catching all the attention at your next business get-together? Patent leather shoes… Don’t know what to prepare to surprise your guests? Freshly baked treats… We ask our client to tell us what they’re looking for in order for us to solve their problem or need.

However, if what we are selling is a service such as translation services or copywriting services or content writing services, digital marketing services … Our buyer is an entrepreneur, and our business is a B2B. The target audience that we are striving to reach is not just any old “Joe Blow”, they don’t want just a pretty photo. What they want is for you to captivate them and offer them such an exquisite service, that they leave the competition to come with us. They need their time and internal digital marketing management problems solved, they need automation and a solution to this problem. The best networks for this purpose are LinkedIn and Twitter. Are you tired of spending hours in front of the screen trying to come up with something creative? (copywriting). It may have occurred to you to translate with Google translator! (Translation service). Still don’t know how to jump to the first page of Google search results? (SEO positioning), etc.

Number of characters for social media

copywriting for social mediaAnother issue is the number of characters allowed for each social network. On Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, a picture is worth a thousand words. Let the image speak for itself and don’t overdo it with the text. On twitter, there are not many characters allowed. Invite the reader to a “call to action”, ask them to provide responses, provoke them, do a fun survey that encourages them to participate, create a shocking phrase and link to your article. In LinkedIn, we are given a little more wiggle room to create text. We can’t cross any lines, the reader may not feel like wasting time, simply reading the headlines and stopping at the ones that peak their interest. You stop at these little texts that can positively or negatively affect your business. Using denial to pull a fast one. Still not sure what emotional copywriting is? It is also a good trick to instill a certain type of FOMO for not using our service. Look what happened to Blockbuster for not joining the digital era (international digital marketing).  A total screw up made by a company for using an automatic translator (professional translators).

When to publish creative copywriting on social networks

Good times to post. On LinkedIn we have a maximum audience in the early morning in which the reader opens this social network to find out what’s new as if it were a newspaper. Fridays are normally not prime time to publish on LinkedIn and neither are Saturdays or Sundays since those are usually days that the entrepreneur is resting. For social networks like Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest, the best moments to publish coincide with break times. Breakfast time, lunch and after six in the afternoon, with 3 PM being the most active time for Facebook’s audience. The typical user of these social networks usually uses them as entertainment, to see images or videos and read a little.

2 tricks to creating original content for social networks

  1. Keep a close eye on the competition. We’re not trying to copy them, that would be plagiarism, but we will copy their idea and we can do the same using other words while giving a touch of originality.
  2. We imitate foreign competition. What is our competition up to in other countries? We can translate from Spanish to English what they do. This type of translation may seem like a “theft” of content, but we don’t consider ourselves thieves, we have much more class than that. We can make a localized translation, that is, adapted to our culture or we can even do transcreation or advertising translation. Transcreation consists of creating a new text based on a text in another language. It is not a literal translation, but we can use it as a draft to create new, original and genuine content.

The work of copywriting, therefore, can be a great ally to generate interaction with future buyers and create engagement that positively positions ourselves against the competition.

Copywriting for social networks: current trend between companies

When using the art of telling stories on social networks you must be an expert, and more and more businesses are taking advantage of this.

And, it is not enough to put two beautiful phrases together and pretend to have a mass of people behind our product or service no matter how good, beautiful or cheap it may be. There’s more detail required!

That special something we need is provided by the professional copywriter. A person responsible for differentiating what we do and creating an audience committed to the brand that will fall as a result of the first word dedicated to it.

Because it is a current trend from which more and more companies benefit, it must have – or follow – a series of rules to make it work perfectly.

We’re already keeping in mind that, each social network has an audience and a way of communicating completely different from the others and, therefore, the creative copy must be adapted to each one of them, but, yes, they all work towards the same goal.

A good creative copy must be, in advance, well planned, both in content and in the form of communication. It must be clear and simple, no frills that confuse the target audience.

Another of the keys to good creative copywriting is that it must create a feeling in the audience and engage you so that it then meets the agreed ultimate goal: to sell.

Each content created – or copy – must be unique in each social network, because we do not find the same people on Twitter as on Instagram nor is the way of communicating the same.

And, of course, getting the client to fall in love. Give them what they’re looking for, what they did not expect, the one and only, the uniqueness and tell them that it is only for them, for no one else. You may also want to call them pretty and tell them we will impress them so deeply that they remember us forever while you send them off with a virtual slap on the bum. Copywriting is a game of seduction and persuasion. And there’s no harm in that, if you’re willing to play along.

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