What is copywriting and what is it used for?
Copywriting is the technique or techniques used when writing texts by a copywriter or persuasive writer to entice with words and get the reader to take action: subscription to a newsletter, contact, sale of products or services, follow on social networks, share a blog article, advertising your brand.
It would be the old technique of a salesperson who made visits in person to sell a product or service knocking on the doors of private homes and businesses. This salesperson had to have the ability to improvise, express certain gestures, have the look, the business card… Through the copywriting service, the copywriter editor must anticipate the reader’s reaction to the article, must know who the buyer is, person of his product or service, must convince them, persuade them to act through their words. Do you need something like that? Then you can count on our copywriting service in USA and in Spain.
Copywriting all languages
Create texts that impact,
content that makes you fall in love,
words that move mountains
Tired of wasting hours in front of the computer trying to be creative without getting any results?
Your time is important to us and your customers are our customers. Our communication agency offers you a copywriting service in Spain in all the languages you need: copywriting in Spanish, German, Arabic, Catalan, French, Galician, Dutch, Hungarian, English, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Basque.
We manage the content marketing of your business so that you don’t waste time without achieving results. Tradupla gives your company a voice, Tradupla knocks on your client’s door, Tradupla persuades your buyer and gives publicity to your brand, Tradupla gets you sales.
What options do I have to get quality content?
Advantages of having a good copywriting service
Choose the copywriting service you need!
Examples of copywriting techniques: how to write persuasive texts
It is not easy to give you an example without knowing in advance the research work done previously. Before writing persuasive texts, the copywriter will ask you these types of questions to get to know your business better:
Copywriter sample questions and copywriting tips
Copywriting examples of persuasive texts
– Comunicación y marketing digital
– Posicionamiento SEO
– Marketing digital
Here’s another example of copywriting in Spanish, a type of creative copywriting. The target audience may be a “dorky” client, who feels lonely and rejected for his/her way of being. These are copywriting techniques that focus on a specific audience and make them feel identified with the final sale of services or products. In this case, the sale is related to our sector, translation services, but it has been created as an example, speaking the “crazy” language to make a kind of writing persuasive and at the same time creative.
We can’t forget examples of copywriting in French, since we are specialists in languages nor examples of copywriting in English.
Relevant copywriter types
In this section we will dive deeper into the different backgrounds that we find within the copywriting profession. Because, although it has been a work in itself for such a short time, the numerous aspects are varied and very different from each other.
First, we will explain the two types of copywriters that we have depending on their way of working, communication agency or freelance, and then we’ll discuss the type of work they each do.
A copywriter working at a communication company, that is, contracted, writes persuasive texts and comes up with the idea to write these texts. He/she works side by side with graphic designers who help to give shape to that idea to carry it out (spots, social media, brochures, etc.).
However, freelance copywriting is different. This professional profile works exclusively with words in most cases. Its basic functions include: writing posts, landing pages (sales pages), writing your website, writing persuasive texts of email marketing campaigns, brochures, catalogs, etc.
Copywriting agency vs. Freelance
In a communication agency the copywriter is more creative, they let you exploit your vein to devise the strategy from the beginning. In another case, worry about the execution, without the need to get involved in thinking about the first idea.
Direct response copywriter
The direct response copywriter is the best known (along with the copy web) and began with the first advertisers who found their best ally in the power of words. The pioneer of this concept was Claude Hopkins in the twentieth century who began to use the term “reason why” to develop his sales messages.
Technical Copywriter
This is a more specialized copywriter and is perfectly familiar with a very specific field of work. They only write about one topic in their daily work and can create a more concrete and accurate content.
Creative copywriter
This type of copywriter is responsible for creating texts to position a brand in the market and relate to agencies. It is the type of copywriter that most resembles an advertiser, although they use words only as a weapon of persuasion.
Marketing copywriter
In this case, like the previous one, the copywriter focuses on sales as the end of its action. It is necessary to attract the attention of potential consumers and create persuasive texts that create a need for something.
SEO copywriting
They rank in search engines, use copywriting techniques and computer writing techniques to work with social network algorithms or social media, improve Google results, etc. Copywriter who writes for the search engine and writes for the internet user.
Why have our copywriting services in all languages?
Being the class favorite, the one that stands out from the rest and the most envied figure has never been so easy.
In the midst of so much social noise, the tasks that exist to stand out become blurred, a lot of information, and few results. Maybe we’re not doing things the right way?
Writing is an art that not everyone dominates, especially when it comes to doing it for someone in the online world. Before, at the beginning of the digital era, it was enough to have a social profile, to upload some “Original” content and the fans would rise like foam.
Now things have gone wrong. Many brands, emerging, complicated algorithms and an overwhelming level of creativity that invites more and more innovation.
That’s where the important role of a web copywriter comes in.
And you ask yourself, who is this famous digital copywriter? Well, it’s a professional that performs the function of copywriting to sell more of a product or brand to society. It’s not just about creating merely informative content, but also about writing persuasive texts that provoke the reader.
Example of google sheet with which we use with our clients
Creative Copywriter: the titan of the digital age
So then, what is a creative copywriter? Someone who come up with original content and suddenly we call it a creative copywriter? Sure, because it sounds better in English.
Well, no, that’s not the case. This term, of English origin is used without distinction, whether we speak German, Russian or Spanish. To really know what copywriting is, you must pay a lot of attention and have a very active mind about the digital age.
Let’s cut to the chase!
Copywriting is a work that involves writing in a persuasive way so that a brand, product or service reaches potential customers that will in turn bring about a certain action (buy, use, test).
This same mission is shared by a copywriter in Spain, as well as another in any other part of the world, because the function is universal and unique.
But this term is not only dedicated to writing content, the position of the professional copywriter is to compose a text with clear intention, depending on the purpose you want to achieve. Generally called copy, it has nothing to do with the profile dedicated to content marketing, a different area than the one we are dealing with.
Enticing the reader is the main objective. Through a logical composition of words and phrases, the way to reach the public evolves over time, and it is the copywriter’s mission to adapt to each area of work to take it to action. The action does not have to be the sale of products or services, you can also get them to subscribe to a newsletter, share some content or tell a friend, which translates into conversions.
This professional can be part of a work team (in the communication and digital marketing sector) as well as working externally as a freelance copywriter in Spain. But, although it is an emerging profession today, it already existed before with another name and other peculiarities. The industry was advancing and adapting to each generation to reach the current one, where the digital prevails over all things and the competition is arduous and very updated. If you’re a good online copywriter, you’ll have a sure chance of finding a secure job now!
What do you get out of creative copywriting?
As you may have already guessed, we are going to highlight the professional copywriting industry, and that’s no small feat. This worker is an expert in creativity and originality, their strengths of genius!
Although in some careers or the creation of letters they teach to create content of correct form and something more impartial, the truth is that, a good copywriter, must know how to handle his/her own style to persuade, without concerning themselves of the old school ways.
Being a good copywriter breaks the standard writing style and goes direct without frills or adornments. The ultimate goal is to reach the viewer through their emotions, feelings and reactions, educate them through words!
What copywriters don’t do! Copywriting tips
Now, we know what a good Spanish copywriter does, but there are also things that this person should never do, under any circumstances, because it is not among his/her abilities.
A content editor is often confused with the profession of web copywriter and they are not one in the same. It is common to mix up the two professions and their work because, although the content is similar, the purpose for what they do it is completely different.
The content editor only writes to inform and attend to SEO patterns to be located by Google. However, copywriting calls for the action of something. The web copywriter tries to persuade the reader to provoke an action, be it buy, share, visit … The SEO copywriting is the sum of the two techniques: writing content with keywords or key words for search engines such as Google and writing content for the user or user of search engines that, after all, is the client of Google itself. With a SEO copywriter you will position yourself in Google as well as reduce the rebound rate of potential customers.
They are two very related concepts, as we have already talked about, since the SEO editor seeks to position themselves in search engines, but if Internet users are not attracted by the content, that increases the rebound rate which hurts the SEO. It’s like a dog chasing his own tail. Hence, the figure of the SEO copywriter. The SEO copywriter is the one that looks for a call to action for the Internet user, but at the same time, introduces keywords, subtitles and all algorithms in its persuasive writing so that the Google spider finds it. It is called SEO copywriting with two types of customers: The Internet user and the search engine.
The copywriter sells, offers commercial value and gets an audience that the content editor does not have to do. This action can be the sale, visiting the website, sharing an article, etc. This landing page is made with the copywriting technique in Spanish. A web page that catches the reader’s attention and gets them to perform an action.
6 tips for the perfect copywriter: Spanish copywriting tips
And the crown jewel has arrived! What a good copywriter must have in order to be the best of its kind (or at least try). Whether you want to be one or you want to hire a copywriter, you can’t miss any of these five requirements!
The first thing the best copywriter must have is a strategy. Although it seems obvious, the truth is that ideas don’t usually come up in an instant. Sometimes, for a good strategy you need to communicate in a certain way that takes time. You have to think about what audience it is aimed at. The buyer. What they need. What is their economic status, sex, age, environment, time.
What goals do I want to achieve? Each written content has a specific purpose for which it is written. The copywriter must think about what they want to achieve with this text and how to create a strategy according to it. In addition, they have to adapt each action to the platform, as well as to the type of audience the text is aimed for.
Copy and paste is easy! It’s not about picking up and copying content from other brands and plagiarizing it. It’s about copying ideas that work and then creating new content. This means that each channel requires a different form of communication and will not be the same message on TV, rrss or radio.
Shocking titles and magical descriptions.
You must create a powerful title. Denial works especially: you still don’t know what copywriting is? Or, the numbers: 10 tips to write a quality article. The copywriter must be original and leave them speechless, it must accompany this title with a body of text that radiates inspiration and desire to go to action.
Finally, a perfect copywriter must create a response in their clients. Bring out emotion, create curiosity, expectation, desire to know more and give an idea to potential buyers of the product or consumers of the service. The copywriter follows the AIDA model, to create Attention, awaken Interest, provoke Desire and call to Action.
The copywriter DOES NOT have spelling, concordance, or grammatical errors. Professional copywriters are linguists and know their language perfectly. They work in their mother tongue, be it Spanish, English, French, Italian, German, Dutch or Portuguese. The professional copywriter reviews your texts, reads them and rereads them so that they are perfect.
How did the first copywriters come about? History of persuasive copywriting
Knowing the history helps us to understand much better the subject we are dealing with. If we talk about painting, for example, we must know the artistic currents from birth to better understand current trends.
The same happens with the area of digital marketing copywriting. More concretely, to finish defining that copywriter profile we have to look for the antecedents before the whole digital revolution to know how this work was born as such.
Although the copywriter’s work is currently focused on web and social networks or social media, the truth is that copywriting is not exclusive to the Internet. Digital media is simply the channel used to reach customers.
The history of web copywriting began when marketing came into our lives. Through the human necessity to sell more products or services. This became more latent, and closer to what it is today, with the origin of paper.
The golden age of this field of work was seen with the beginning of advertisement as a method of mass selling and offering needs where before there was nothing. The twentieth century brought with it a -real- beginning of copywriting that used marketing and advertisement to grow and then gain a privileged place in the communication sector.
After this, and thanks to technological development, we have been able to make these forms of persuasion more effective and reach more potential clients without geographical or idiomatic limits.