With a basic level of English anyone could pull this off, right? When we talk about copy – writer all you have to do is break down the two words to get your answer. If you would like to know more about what a copywriter does, keep reading along in this article which will discuss a copywriter’s main functions.

A copywriter is typically a person who writes, edits or copies something, usually manually.

But it doesn´t just stop there, because although it is true that history explains it this way, the work of a copywriter is somewhat more complex in today’s world and we are going tell you just why that is in great detail.

This term has become popular in recent years thanks to the Internet boom, which has taken the digital marketing sector and advertising on its shoulders towards a path of success and achievement.

Copywriter is an Anglicism term that comes from advertising companies where there were people dedicated to writing strategies for advertising campaigns in hopes of launching them to the public. These people were responsible for creating ads, the catchy phrases that get stuck in our heads and that are immediately associated with a product without any reasoning.

What does a copywriter do – Functions

what does a copywriter doToday, the person who is dedicated to this task is much more than someone who knows how to write a good ad. A copywriter handles commercial texts, as well as the post-production of web pages, corporate texts, SEM advertising, etc.

Thanks to new forms of communication, the work for this profession has grown, branching out into so many fields that it is now difficult to classify a copywriter as just that.

To know what a copywriter does day to day, we must shift the focus to the generation of social networks and the world of communication through the Internet. Many companies know that online content attracts customers better, sells more and helps businesses grow.

But not everything is as appealing as it may seem. As more roles and functions become available to this professional profile, their work tends to be overshadowed by other professionals in their position. There are many Community Managers responsible for copy, although they are not the real experts.

That is why, little by little, the real people in charge of copywriting functions are claiming their specialization and are becoming increasingly more in demand for companies looking for someone trained in this field.

Some major functions include: writing texts for Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Adwords, etc.; correcting texts; writing texts for websites in all sections and pages; writing ads; making texts for printed formats such as magazines or newspapers; copies of online sales products; email marketing and automated campaigns; keywords; content agenda, posts for corporate blogs, SEO, etc.

To sum it all up, they are responsible for creating written content to achieve a good brand or a specific product positioning all while being original and creative at the same time.

Training needed to be a copywriter

copywriter dutiesSo, after learning that there are companies looking for specialized professionals and that there are others taking your spot, you may have wondered what is necessary to study to be a good and captivating copywriter, right?

Well, while there is no particular degree that prepares you for it, you can adapt one of the following below to gear your profile more towards becoming an excellent copywriter.

University courses such as humanities and literature are the best starting point. Journalism, advertising, translation and interpretation, language, etc. These are considered some of the best options. They can provide you with a good foundation to set you on the right path. And, of course to continue on with training in more specific techniques upon entering the world of copywriting.

We recommend courses offered by Javier Pastor, a renowned Spanish copywriter to whom Tradupla salutes.

You must apply the knowledge acquired to the new existing formats (rrss, websites) and to new forms of communication of the 21st century.

All this coupled with an innate ability for linguistic creativity, a vision for advertising that engages the public and, most importantly, originality, perseverance and experience.

Don’t you see now that it’s as easy as writing two sentences on a computer? Fortunately, the value of a copywriter nowadays is much higher than it used to be years ago.

And now having learned a little more about this professional profile, would you dare to be part of the wonderful community of copywriters that exist in the world today? If you meet all the requirements, all that’s left to do is try it out for yourself.

What a copywriter does: types of copywriter

There are different types of copywriters. Likewise, copywriting services are different, varied and adapted according to needs. If you’re still interested in knowing more details about all this, we’ll tell you on our landing page about copywriting.


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