Because it’s not just about meaningless writing. Copywriting goes beyond persuasive writing, it has that “I know something you don’t know” that makes the customer fall in love and keeps them hooked forever. Discover in today’s post some clear and very effective copywriting examples of the perfect online copywriter. Shall we begin?

There are many copywriting techniques, but very few that bring about success. Writing may seem good for many people, but it’s not the same if our ultimate goal is to reach the target audience and persuade them to perform a certain action with a brand.

That is what SEO copywriting consists of, copy adapted to new technologies, more specifically to websites and social networks. It is a way of telling a story with pre-established guidelines in order to reach and be rooted in the heart of your potential clients.

With the creation of an attractive and useful content for the public, we’ve managed to get our digital marketing strategy on track and thus be one of the best copywriting services on the market.

With our communication agency, there are many techniques we use to generate quality content. You can consult all copywriting techniques by clicking here.

Apply successful copywriting techniques: examples of copywriting

Generally speaking, the copywriter’s objective is to make the reader fall in love, engage and capture as much attention as possible from the right person. This, in Marketing jargon is called “brand love” or love for a brand, so we are able to achieve and retain a person who was not previously part of our target audience.

We want you to stay with us in the long run and see us as your favorite option and copywriting is a way to make that possible. The art of advertising, selling or shaping an idea has changed over the years and has resulted in a more complex (but more creative) way of selling or offering a product or service.

If you wish to be Don Draper – from Mad Men-, don’t miss out on the five examples of SEO copywriting successes that we have prepared for you to use properly:

Examples by category

  • Spotyfy. Copywriting examples of a Landing Page: we begin by way of working on the corporate web. A landing page is a web page that a person accesses after clicking on a link. When the user reaches this point, what they find needs to be persuasive enough to put them in a trance and leave them captivated.

Ideally, it should include the keywords of the brand with a carefully crafted and detailed text that sends a message in a short and direct way to the potential client. A clear example of good copywriting in SEO can be found on Spotify. This particular music platform uses clear and very concise writing to capture as much attention as possible.

  • Copywriting portfolio examples: in this case, we use descriptions of what we sell as a way to dazzle users. Turn the text you write into immediate sales. Finding a solution can be easy with the use of more common language, maintaining consistency among all products and adapting the tone to your target audience.

The best copywriting in this sense comes from the example of The Body shop and the image that lies behind the text in its copywriting portfolio.

writing examples body shop

  • Copywriting examples of online advertising: Touching on a subject that generates the most profit is a good copywriter in digital advertising. Banners and advertising publications on social networks are key to standing out from the rest. Clear writing that triggers emotions can achieve the unthinkable. The brand that knows very well about this is Coca-Cola which does not sell bottles, but sells happiness “the spark of life.”

copywriting examples coca cola

  • Copywriting examples in social networks: although old school techniques may still be used among these digital platforms, the truth is that, ever since a few years ago, this new form of communication is creating digital marketing strategies in an exclusive manner.

Social networks gain more and more followers by the minute and, therefore, it is normal to have to create advertisements according to those networks. Netflix has won first place in creative copying on these content platforms. An example of copywriting is “The blow must go on” for the new season of the Narcos series. It was such a hit that it moved to conventional advertising on billboards on the most famous avenues in cities.

Beauty copywriting examples include when YouTube had its biggest beauty brand launch in September of 2017 when the industry officially welcomed Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty line in its corner. From the very beginning, the company has held a vision with its “Beauty for All” campaign rattling the ground of the beauty industry because inclusivity is the mission. Widening your target audience plays a key role in growing businesses and there’s no bigger or better target audience than absolutely everyone.


  • Finally, copywriting examples for email marketing: newsletters have also received a face lift in recent years and have understood the importance of good written content to generate brand followers and new additions to a client’s portfolio. Mr Wonderful knows how to succeed in this field of marketing and create eye-catching mailings so it is no surprise the sales figures that they handle. You just have to subscribe to their newsletter to see how they do it and tweak the ideas to transfer them to your brand’s voice.

And what about you? Do you need to create new and original content?


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